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E-32 Business| Learn To Grow with Bilna Sandeep (Part 2)

business basics money-mindset
Grow with Bilna Sandeep

Welcome to episode 32 of our show. I’m Rupali, your host, with my co-host Kalyani and today we continue our conversation with our incredible guest, Bilna Sandeep. She is a successful entrepreneur behind three thriving businesses: a growing marketing agency, Built Market Lab, and Homepreneurs Club. If you missed the first part, I recommend you go back and listen to episode 31. Today, we delve deeper into Bilna’s journey of scaling up and the systems she implemented. It all started when Bilna met a friend who owned a marketing agency and graciously shared her system with her. This inspired Bilna to start implementing her own systems and processes. She also came across a book called “Traction,” which introduced her to the Entrepreneur Operating System (EOS). This book helped her structure her team, define core values, and find the right people for her company. Bilna emphasized the importance of placing team members in roles that align with their strengths, which brought significant improvements to her team’s performance. We also discussed the topic of continuous learning and taking courses. Bilna shared her approach of buying courses for her team based on their specific roles and interests. As a self-proclaimed learner, she collects various courses and resources in her Google Drive for easy access. However, she emphasized the need for execution and not letting the accumulation of courses hinder practical application. Bilna expressed her passion for helping small businesses through her Homepreneurs Club community, where she focuses on teaching networking skills and providing valuable content. She highlighted the importance of networking for business growth, even for introverts like herself. Additionally, Bilna talked about her marketing agency’s shift towards serving revenue-focused clients. She explained the significance of setting revenue goals and how it helps in aligning marketing strategies. She also mentioned her plans to expand her team and open a new office space in the near future. When it comes to spending money in her business, Bilna emphasized the importance of calculated risk. She believes in investing but also having a clear plan with a timeline for ROI. Furthermore, she stressed the need for proper bookkeeping from the beginning and mentioned outsourcing this task to a bookkeeping company to ensure accurate financial tracking. Overall, Bilna’s journey and insights provide valuable lessons for entrepreneurs looking to scale their businesses and make strategic decisions.

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